Last Regiment Dev Blog #2 – Revamping Some Stuff

[Originally posted at the Last Regiment blog]

Game dev is a process of continuous iteration, so we have been revamping some of the stuff you saw last week.

Here are the highlights from today’s stream!

We talk about the limiting factors such as gold, mana, control points (and unit cooldowns) to prevent the problem of steamrolling in strategy games.

We also have a brand new main screen! Still being made, but what do you think of it so far?

The banner and description would change depending on the menu selected. We’ve also added a section below to announce updates, livestreams, and other news. This section will be replacing the annoying pop-up notifications that we had in Legends of Callasia. We’ve also added icons linking to some of our social media pages on the upper right corner, while the full list would be available in the Community menu.

So that’s it. Things will continue to change, and we’ll continue to share them. Til next week’s stream, only on the Ninesquirrels Twitch channel!